The Nasal
cavity’s functions are to warm, filter and
moisten the incoming air. The nose is the only external part of the respiratory
system. The nose is divided into the external nose and the internal nasal
cavity. When you breathe air enters the nasal cavity by passing through the
Pharynx is where the throat divides into the trachea which is the wind pipe and oesophagus
which is the food pipe. The pharynx is a small length of tubing which connects
the nasal cavity and mouth. There is also a small flap of cartilage called the
epiglottis. This prevents food from entering the wind pipe.
The Larynx is also known as the voice box because it’s where sound is generated.
It is made of cartilage and has a section that comes above the surface which is
known as Adams apple. The larynx is located between the pharynx and the trachea.
The larynx provides an open airway and guides air and food into the correct
channels. It also helps out with the vocal cords. It also helps protect the
trachea by producing a strong cough reflex if any solid objects pass the through.
Trachea is also known
as the windpipe, it carries air from the throat into the lungs. The inner part
of the trachea is covered in tiny hairs which catch dust and then is removed
when we cough. The trachea is surrounded by 15-20 C shaped rings of cartilage
at the front and side which help protect the trachea and keep it open.
Bronchi are formed by divisions of the Trachea and carry air
into the lungs. There are to bronchi one which enters the right lung and one
that enters the left lung. The right bronchus is wider, shorter and more
vertical than the left. When inhaled air reaches the bronchi it is warm. Inside
the lungs each bronchi divide into lobar bronchi three on the right and two on
the left. Bronchioles are very narrow tubes
less than 1 millimetre in diameter. There is no cartilage within the
bronchioles and they lead to alveolar sacs.
Lungs occupy most of the thoracic cavity and extend down to the diaphragm.
The lungs differ in shape and size and the left lung is smaller than the right.
lungs are divided into lobes. The
left lung contains two lobes and the right has three. Each lobe has an artery
and vein and receives air from an individual bronchus.
The Pleural membrane helps keep the lungs apart and
air tight. If one lung is punctured the other one can remain functional and
work normally due to being held in a separate cavity.
Pleural cavity is found in between the parietal
pleura and the visceral pleura. The pleural cavity is filled with pleural
parietal pleura covers the thoracic
wall and the top of the diaphragm it then continues around the heart and
between the lungs. The parietal pleura is the outermost of the two pleura
Thoracic cavity I the chamber of the human body that is protects by
the thoracic wall. It is separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm.
Visceral pleura is the innermost of the two pleural membranes. It
covers the surface of the lung and dips into the spaces between the lobes.
pleural membranes produce Pleura fluid which
fills the pleural cavity between them. The pleural fluid allows the lungs to
glide easily over the thorax wall. The pleural fluid also provides the surface
tension that keeps the lung surface in contact with the chest wall.
have very thin walls which allow the exchange of gases
oxygen and carbon dioxide. They also are surrounded by a network of capillaries.
There are approximately 3 million alveoli within an average adult lung. There are over 300,000,000
alveoli in the lungs providing a large area for gaseous exchange to occur.
The Diaphragm is a broad band of muscle which
sits underneath the lungs, attaching to the lower ribs, sternum and lumbar
spine and forming the base of the thoracic cavity. Contraction of the diaphragm
increases the volume of the chest cavity which draws into the lungs during
inspiration. When the diaphragm is relaxed it involves the recoil of the
diaphragm and decreases the volume of the chest cavity pumping out air. The Diaphragm and Intercostals are muscles that aid
Internal and external intercostals lie between the ribs to help inhalation and exhalation
the muscles extend and contract. The external intercostals pull the ribs
upwards and outwards increasing the volume of the chest cavity and drawing air
into the lungs during inspiration. The internal intercostals draw the ribs
downward and inwards decreasing the
volume of the chest cavity and forcing air out of the lungs during expiration
Mechanisms of breathing
the air pressure inside the lungs decreases, more air flows in. Air pressure
inside the lungs is decreased by increasing the size of thoracic cavity. Due to
surface tension between the two pleural membranes, the lungs follow the chest
wall and expand.
muscles involved in expanding the thoracic cavity include the diaphragm and the
external intercostals muscles. As the diaphragm contracts, it flattens out. As
a result, the superior-inferior dimension of the thoracic cavity increases.
Contraction of the intercostals muscles lifts the rib cage and pulls the
sternum upwards. Although these actions expand the thoracic cavity by only a
few millimetres this is enough to increase the thoracic volume by almost 500ml
the usual volume of air that enters the lung during normal inspiration.
at rest the external intercostals muscles contract and the internal
intercostals muscles relax. During forced inspirations that occur when
exercising. The thoracic volume increases further.
is a passive process that depends more a lung elasticity than on muscle
contraction. As the inspiration muscles relax, the rib cage descends and the
lungs recoil. Thus, the thoracic volume decreases.
expiration at rest the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles relax and
return to their original positions. When
exercising the contraction of the internal intercostals forces air out of the
rate is all controlled by chemoreceptors within the main arteries which monitor the levels of
oxygen and carbon dioxide within the blood.
Tidal Volume
The amount of air which enters the lungs during normal inhalation
at rest. The average tidal volume is 500ml. The same amount leaves the lungs
during exhalation.
Inspiratory reserve volume
breathing in deeply it is possible to take in more than usual 350cm3 of fresh
air that reaches the alveoli. This is especially important during exercise. In
addition to the tidal volume you can also breathe in up to an additional
3,000cm3 of fresh air. This is known as the inspirational reserve volume. It is
the amount air inhaled above tidal volume.
Expiratory reserve volume
expiratory reserve volume can be up to 1,500cm3 and is the amount of additional
air that can be breathed out after normal expiration. At the end of normal
breath, the lungs contain the residual volume plus the expiratory reserve
volume. This is the amount of air exhaled above tidal volume during a forceful
Vital capacity residual
capacity is the amount of air that can be forced out of the lungs after maximal
respiration. The volume is around 4,800cm3. It is the most air you can exhale after
taking deepest breath you can. It can be up to ten times more than you would
normally exhale.
Taking Residual volume
volume is the amount of air left in the lungs after maximal respiration, which
is when you breath out as hard as you can. The volume is around 1,200cm3 for an
average male. If you then exhale as much as possible only the residual volume
remains. There is also some air left in the lungs to stop the lungs from
Total lung capacity
lung capacity is the volume of air contained in the lungs after maximal
inspiration. The volume is usually between 4,00cm3 and 8,000cm3, with 6000cm3
for an average sized male.
Spirometry means the measure of breath. It is
the most common of the pulmonarary function test, measuring lung function and specifically
the measurement of the amount of volume and speed or flow of air that can be
inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is an important tool used for generating
pneumotachographs. This is an apparatus for recording the rate of air flow to
and from the lungs. This is helpful in
assessing conditions such as asthma.
Transport of gases and
gaseous exchange
main function of the respiratory system is gaseous exchange. This
refers to the process of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide moving between the lungs and
oxygen absorbed into the blood in the capillaries combines with haemoglobin in
the red blood cells form oxyhaemoglobin. The concentration of red blood cells
and their haemoglobin affects the amount of oxygen taken up by blood. The red
blood cells typically make up 45 per cent of blood volume. These concentrations
increase during exercise as more fluid moves from the plasma to the tissues and
more water is lost from the plasma as sweat. Long term endurance training can result
in an increase in red blood cells and therefore haemoglobin.
Carbon Dioxide
dioxide is a waste product of aerobic metabolism and collects in tissues. It is
carried to the veins by the cardio vascular system. It is cleared from the
tissues by the blood in veins. It is carried by the haemoglobin in red blood
cells and diffused into the lungs where it is expired when you breathe out.
is a large protein that can combine reversibly with oxygen. Haemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from
the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to
the lungs. Haemoglobin also plays a part in maintaining the shape of red blood
Oxyhaemoglobin is when
oxygen attaches to haemoglobin. Haemoglobin forms an unstable reversible bond
with oxygen. Blood carries oxyhaemoglobin to tissue where the oxygen is released during a process
known as tissue respiration. Oxyhaemoglobin is bright red and in oxygen unloaded form it is called deoxyhemoglobin and is
Control of breathing
Neural control Neurones conduct nerve
impulses from the medulla and pons which are both part of the brain stem. The
medulla is the lower part of the brain stem responsible for controlling several
major autonomic functions of the body and pons are located on the brain stem
and responsible for providing linkage between the upper and lower levels of the
central nervous system. In the pons
there is the pneumotaxic centre and the apneustic centre. The pneumotaxic
centre limits the contraction of the inspiratory muscles and prevents the lungs
from overinflating. The appneustic centre stimulates the inspiratory center,
prolonging the contraction of inspiratory muscles. Neurones from two areas of the medulla are critical in
respiration. These are the DRG, the dorsal respiratory group and the VRG, the
ventral respiratory group. The VRG is responsible for rhythm generation it is
located in the medulla and contains both inspiratory and expiratory neurons. It
is almost in active during normal respiration but is active when increased
ventilation. The DRG is a cluster of inspiratoty nerve cells found in the
medulla. It sends impulses to the diaphragm and inspiratory intercostals
muscles. The DRG also receives impulses form chemoreceptors.
Chemical control
Levels of carbon dioxide
and oxygen are constantly changing. In order to monitor this, the body has
receptors called chemoreceptors in the medulla, aortic arch and carotid arteries.
Chemoreceptors are receptors sensitive to various chemicals in solution, aortic
arch is the major artery that has three branches to deliver oxygenated blood throughout
the body and carotid arteries feed the head and brain with oxygenated blood. Chemoreceptors in the carotid arteries and aorta,
detect the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood and causes these receptors to
stimulate the respiratory centre to increase the inspiratory rate. It then
sends nervous impulses to the external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm
via the phrenic nerve to increase breathing rate and the volume of the lungs
during inhalation. Stretch receptors in the walls of bronchi and bronchioles are activated
when the lungs expand to their limit. These receptors signal the respiratory center
to discontinue stimulation of the inspiratory muscles which allow expiration to
begin, this response is called the inflation reflex.
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